Promoting ACPME

Helping champion best practice in the HE/FE sectors


Darren assists ACPME with their communications. He helps to organise annual conferences, produces motion graphics for Awards, designs the association’s print materials, updates content and graphics in the website and produces their flagship magazine ‘Pages‘.

ACPME discuss issues Creative Scrum is well-versed in, such as:

  • The role of design and print in brand positioning/management.
  • Developments in technology to support integrated marketing campaigns and brand awareness.
  • Effective setting of evaluation criteria for external suppliers, evaluation procedures and scoring.
  • Tendering for outsourced services with procurement departments – including design, print, and photography to save member universities’ money and to maximise brand control.
  • Management of areas which require up-to-date knowledge of key legislation – specifically copyright, image consent, environmental standards, disability and equal opportunities, Health & Safety and COSHH, Data Protection Act, VAT.
  • The effectiveness of various purchasing consortia and insights into the effectiveness of different kinds of frameworks.
  • Balancing financial objectives and decisions about what to keep in-house versus what to outsource.

Find out more about ACPME here

Here’s a sample motion graphic sequence from the 2017 ACPME Awards ceremony in Glasgow – featuring a video we shot of ‘Pages’ magazine (that we design) on press.